Rebecca, induced, epidural

Bec is a Journalist at Seven News and was often on my tv each morning on Sunrise, bubbly, looking fresh and beautiful with her lovely curled locks while I was kid -wrangling with a mum bun and PJs. We have a mutual friend - my sister! And when she told me Bec was pregnant, I remember thinking I'd love to teach her hypnobirthing. So I was very excited when Bec and her husband Drew booked private Hypnobirthing Australia™ classes with me. Bec and Drew were very relaxed and warm and were able to easily slip into relaxation mode when we were doing practical exercises due to their previous experience with Yoga and meditation. I was delighted to hear of their positive birth experience welcoming their little boy into world.

It was incredible...and enabled me to give birth naturally instead of a caesarean- which was my one wish.

"Hypnobirthing had such a pivotal role in my birth. I had to be induced, which terrified me because I'd read it would bring on contractions hard and fast. In my case this is exactly what happened. From the get-go I had contractions just minutes apart with little reprieve, so I opted for an epidural. For me this truly was the right decision. However, I was progressing quite slowly according to doctors, and the baby's heart rate was dropping occasionally. Drew used acupressure and light touch on me. I knew I really had to focus at that point, so I popped on my hypnobirthing affirmation track and within an hour I had gone from 4cm dilated to fully dilated. It was incredible...and enabled me to give birth naturally instead of a caesarean - which was my one wish.

We now have our beautiful boy!

Thank you so much for all your help and training, it was invaluable.

Bec & Drew xo"

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