I could hear talks in the room of how big he was. He hit the scales at 5.25 kg

For those that know me, I was very much ‘one child only’ following a traumatic birth experience four years ago. Resulting in an emergency C-section for a cord prolapse. I didn’t realise the impact it had on me until I was exposed to maternity services in my line of work. This triggered a conversation with a close colleague to make me realise that I certainly hadn’t healed from my daughter's birth and I needed support on this journey. 

I worked extremely hard to heal from my birth trauma with professional help and an amazing network of friends, so it was a complete SURPRISE to everyone + us when we found out about my pregnancy. 

My husband and I were in unison about empowering ourselves second time around and knew a midwifery led model of care was most suited to us, certainly as I wanted to trial for a VBAC. I applied for CMP at 8w gestation and fortunately was accepted. 

I was a low risk pregnancy and had heard great things about Hypnobirthing, I was very intrigued. It was actually my Fitright instructor who recommended Hypnobirthing Australia after attending a course herself. So after a discussion with my husband we signed up for Renee’s classes and committed to the course. 

They say knowledge is power and I’m a firm believer of this. The course opened up new layers on how we could achieve a physiological birth with minimal intervention.  Our Midwife respected our wishes and encouraged our birth preferences; breathing techniques, meditation tracks, affirmations, acupressure, TENS for Labour and water for pain relief. 

Despite being pregnant throughout one of Perth’s hottest summers and a pandemic, I remained active and practically lived in the ocean or immersed by the sound it. All the time adopting my new hypnobirthing skills. I was always measuring accurately and had a plan in place if I hit 41w, but my bump was HUGE! 

On the morning of 28th February 2022 (40+6) I had the biggest emotional meltdown as we we were scheduled for an USS + CTG the following day. My instincts were telling me that I was having a BIG BABY and that my hope for a VBAC would be crushed. My husband completely reassured me and that we had to remain optimistic. 

I spent most of the day on the fit ball doused in clary sage practising my hypnobirthing, I spoke with a friend who had suggested a remedial massage but I could only really find comfort on the fit ball. Alas that afternoon I lost my mucous plug and was in early labour. 

We called our midwife when my surges became more regular and had a plan in place for when we needed to be at the hospital. I transitioned pretty quickly and the surges were becoming intense so we applied the TENS + quickly learnt that only one side was operating. My husband acted fast and we had a fully functioning TENS delivered in record breaking time. I remained in our bedroom with my upper body hugging the ottoman. My husband had packed the car + we had notified our midwife that we were making our way to the hospital. 

The surges were super strong and I remember thinking ‘how will I get into the car?’ My husband had said ‘after this surge we’ll head off’ I looked up and said ‘there’s no time, I need to PUSH’. I had this almighty urge to push, somehow I managed to stand up and my husband slowly side stepped into the en suite with me. 

I lowered myself onto the toilet and my membranes ruptured, my husband was on the phone to the Ambulance the pain was so intense I was screaming. I could hear my husband navigating both phone calls (ambo + midwife) he was preparing towels just incase I birthed in the bathroom. Quickly followed by the sirens of the ambulance and then being greeted by two paramedics. I was trying to breathe to calm the intense, unbearable pressure I was experiencing. But I needed relief FAST, the green whistle worked a treat and I was able to get into the ambulance.

I remained calm in the ambulance, continued to use my breathing techniques and was desperate to reach the hospital to birth our baby safely. Our midwife met us at the ambo ramp and reassured me until we got into the Labour suite. I was transferred onto the bed and immediately found comfort on all fours alternating by flopping my upper body over the top of (fully inclined) bed. My midwife examined me and I was fully dilated, GAME ON!  

My husband arrived not long after the ambo and of course had no idea I was already at 10cm. He insisted on blowing up the birthing pool, but there was no time. I was pushing in multiple positions to get the babies head around the bend, the pressure in my coccyx was intense only using the entonox to assist. 

In the beginning I enjoyed the calmness in the room, with minimal interruptions or monitoring and just my midwife and husband supporting me. It felt like FOREVER until the head crowned, I remember feeling out of sync with pushing and feeling demoralised, was it really going to end the same way as my daughter? They called for the consultant, she came into the room and very casually said ‘we can see the head, you don’t need me here- just give me some BIG pushes.’ It was the motivational speech I needed as I was finally able to get into the ZONE. 

My midwife offered to inject local into my perineum which instantly gave me some relief-I was now on my back grabbing my legs to birth him, my husband was at the top of the bed with me encouraging as ever. The midwife had mentioned having to perform an episiotomy I refused, I trusted my body I knew I could birth him. But then the real chaos began, my husband looked at me and my heart sank. The same emergency situation we encountered 4 years ago, medics rushing into the room, panic on my husbands face. But all that soon changed as the midwives were performing multiple emergency manoeuvres due to shoulder dystocia. It all happened so fast. My knees were in my eyeballs, my abdomen palpated and finally hearing the cries from my baby. The most WILD but euphoric feeling ever. They lifted him onto my chest the adrenaline was pumping through my body after 1.5hrs of active Labour I was holding my boy. 

I was unable to cord clamp due to my bleed, but my husband was able to cut the cord. I could hear talks in the room of how big he was and the paediatrician soon confirmed this as the scales hit 5.25 kg. My husband and I were totally shocked, but totally in awe of the team who safely birthed him. 

I sustained a 3rd degree tear due to his posterior elbow, which required sutures in theatre. Consequently I had to remain in hospital over night, not what we’d factored in. COVID restrictions made visiting a little challenging too. 

My tear healed beautifully. I’m so proud of what my body achieved. It was truly an amazing but most of all healing experience for me.